Our most popular item for its versatility, comfort and colorful options.
Breast Sale Ever
35% OFF all pink items
A portion of the sales from our Limited Edition BCA Tank go to Robbie, our 2024
Breast Cancer Fighter!

35% OFF all pink items
A portion of the sales from our Limited Edition BCA Tank go to Robbie, our 2024
Breast Cancer Fighter!
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Meet Our Founder
After more than 30 years in the apparel
industry, Michigan native Linda Schlesinger-Wagner, was inspired to create a brand that
filled a void she felt existed in the women's
apparel industry. In 2009, skinnytees (TM)
started with a single one-size-fits-most
silhouette, the seamless camisole.
Schlesinger-Wagner didn't stop there and
quickly rolled out a complete line of essential
styles that helped redefine the smoothwear
industry. Through the years, skinnytees has
grown, and is now firmly rooted in the belief of
offering a product for all women - all sizes, all
colors, and all ages.
Meet Our Founder

After more than 30 years in the apparel industry, Michigan native Linda Schlesinger-Wagner, was inspired to create a brand that filled a void she felt existed in the women's apparel industry. In 2009, skinnytees (TM) started with a single one-size-fits-most silhouette, the seamless camisole.
Schlesinger-Wagner didn't stop there and quickly rolled out a complete line of essential styles that helped redefine the smoothwear industry. Through the years, skinnytees has grown, and is now firmly rooted in the belief of offering a product for all women - all sizes, all colors, and all ages.
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